Pitch In to Get Out The Vote!
Want to help get out the vote, like yesterday? Go to the events page for an event near you: http://www.austininterfaith.org/events
Want to organize an event in YOUR neighborhood? Contact Braden Latham-Jones at 512-689-8091.
Want to get to know the Austin Interfaith Team? Reach out to the district contacts below.
District 1:
Brian McGiverin, St. David Episcopal: 512-366-2114
Kayvon Sabourian, Equal Justice Center:
District 2
Ofelia Zapata, San Jose Catholic: 512-669-0809
District 3
Hilda Moncivais, Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic: 512-775-9030
District 4
Angela Baker, St. Albert the Great Catholic: 512-836-6600
District 5
Santos Escobar, Wildflower Unitarian Universalist: 512-739-1312
Pamela Thomas, Greater Mt. Zion Baptist: [email protected]
District 6
District 7
District 8
Kathleen Davis, Austin Interfaith: 512-916-0100
District 9
Kurt Cadena-Mitchell, Wildflower Unitarian Universalist: 512-786-5388
District 10
Bob Batlan, Temple Beth Shalom: [email protected]