Did you know that 70 cents of every dollar in Austin's General Fund goes to public safety? 70%!
In contrast, fewer than 19 cents per dollar is invested in our children. Is this what YOU want?
Austin City Council budget negotiations begin MONDAY, September 8th.
It is NOT too late to tell Council Members to set their priorities straight!
Tell them: "I Support ALL the Austin Interfaith Budget Priorities." Click on the icon below to e-mail all of them directly.
Austin interfaith's budget priorities are derived from hundreds of conversations inside of congregations, schools, unions and non-profit organizations.
Haz click abajo para ver a las prioridades de Austin Interfaith, derivados de cientos de conversaciones en nuestras congregaciones, escuelas, sindicatos y organizaciones no-lucrativas. Llama or escribe a sus concejales HOY. No es muy tarde.
Budget Priorities in English y en español (segunda página)