2024 Spring Leaders Meeting

Join Central Texas Interfaith for our in person Spring Leaders Meeting.  We will be hosting trainings, discussion about the 50th anniversary and visioning what this year organizing will look like. 


To deepen our conversation, we invite you to do two readings.  

We are asking for everyone to read "The Church as Mediating Institution: Theological and Philosophical Perspective" pp. 69-78 by Wogaman and then also read one of the following:

  1. Heclo, Thinking Institutionally, Ch. 4, pp. 110-111 (if you have time, consider reading the entire chapter, but particular focus is on these pages)
  2. Payne, I've Got the Light of Freedom, Ch. 8
  3. Luciani, Theology of the People, Sec. 1, pp. 1-36

We will break out into discussion groups for these readings in the first part of the day.

February 17, 2024 at 9:00am - 3pm
St. Ignatius Marytr Catholic Church
2309 Euclid Ave
Austin, TX 78704
United States
Google map and directions
Catherine Wicker · · 5127719691
Ginny Brown Daniel Adelita Avila Rj Gonzalez Jose Guerrero Mary Lenn Dixon Margaret Zander Marylou Leyva Ed Miller Elizabeth Otero Rosas Kathleen Davis Victoria Mason Ricardo Turullols-Bonilla Nemesis Alvarez Monica Tornoe Kathy Barrett Earl Kim Angela Bigham Steve Kriechbaum Henry Welles Minerva Camarena Skeith April Floyd Philip Riley Fred Krebs Roland Gonzales Richard Bates Eric Shaughnessy Curt Wyman Debbir White Dickson de la Haye Keatha Falls Brandon James Jeannette LaFontaine Simone Barnes Elsa Rivera Ja'Tavia White Tracy Cornelius Nancy Sanchez Daniela Silva Jaynna Sims Caleb Brizuela Brian McGiverin Jeffrey Thompson Laura Chris Green Tona Vasquez Paula Vaughan Warinda Harris Edie Clark Alyssia Palacios-Woods

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